Time-travel to the glorious nineties Norwegian Black Metal era with the epic debut album of VALDAUDR!
“Drapsdalen” is out now on CD and in digital formats, followed by vinyl versions May 7th.
Order here:
World: https://soulsellerrecords.bandcamp.com/
Americas: https://soulsellerrecords.aisamerch.com/
Listen here:
YouTube: https://youtu.be/LBoHwFaYgt4
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/0OKuD1tGnDBOYVe230xCRY
iTunes/Apple: https://itunes.apple.com/album/id/1542705992
Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/album/189947822
Or simply listen at any other platform of your preference worldwide!
VALDAUDR roots on the Black Metal project Cobolt 60, which was initiated by guitarist Død (Blood Red Throne, ex-Satyricon) back in 2000. Though the music is a continuation of Cobolt 60, VALDAUDR is something different as new vocalist Vald (also known from his works with Blood Red Throne) has a totally different vocal style and even puts on some clean vocals here and there. It’s still old school and primitive Black Metal, but with some folk elements and epic themes. Think of Darkthrone meets early Ulver meets Primordial! On their debut album “Drapsdalen” Rune Nesse (Taake – live) handled the drums and also took care of the mix.

1. Liket Skulle Vaert Brent (6:24)
2. Trass og Vrede (5:04)
3. Evig Langt Inn I Tiden (4:39)
4. Den Evige Ild (5:15)
5. Du Vantro Og Vrange Slekt (3:57)
6. Drapsdalen (5:19)
7. Kom, Bestig Vaare Fjell (7:28)
Vald – Vocals and Lyrics
Død – Guitar and Bass
Rune Nesse – Drums