2023: Finnish Death Metal quartet TRAMALIZER allies with Soulseller Records! During the years of pandemic, guitarist M. Jokelainen and bassist T. Oranen had a vision: to do Death Metal as it was done in the first place, when everything was fresh and full of energy. When the line between Thrash and Death Metal was just getting grow. To complete this vision K. Laanto (drums) and R. Tarvonen (vocals) were found to fill the line-up. So finally TRAMALIZER was ready to strike. With a perfectly balanced line up songs started to get shape and in 2021 a three song promo was spread to several labels. One of those labels was Dutch Soulseller Records who noticed the bands’ potential and soon the pact was made.
TRAMALIZER states: “We are really pleased to work with professionals like Soulseller Records. We got several offers, but Soulseller was the most natural alliance for us. Afterall, they have great reputation and quality releases along their long career. So we are honoured to stand along with them.” So if you want your old school metal to be something more than just blastbeat after the blastbeat and vocals something more than muddy growling, TRAMALIZER is the right poison.
The debut album “Fumes Of Funeral Pyres” is out now worldwide via Soulseller Records on CD, vinyl and digitally.
World: https://soulsellerrecords.bandcamp.com
Americas: http://soulsellerrecords.aisamerch.com
Digital: https://orcd.co/np3br2d
https://www.facebook.com/tramalizer https://www.instagram.com/tramalizer