From the mystic shadows, forged in the crucible of winter’s chill, emerges Steinras! Their long-awaited album is poised to shatter expectations and ignite souls. Brace yourselves for a symphony of raw emotion, woven by the voices of several legendary Norwegian metal vocalists. This isn’t just music—it’s a cosmic odyssey beyond the ordinary!

Many years in the making, the black metal project by Steinar Aven and Arne Gandrud is now materialized in stone. Not just a project, but an amazing and unique journey through the sound and landscapes of Norway. With vocal support of nothing but legends of the scene this has turned into a diamond for the black-hearted.


Order jewel case cd, black vinyl, blue vinyl:
https://soulsellerrecords.bandcamp.com (World)

Cover artwork & logo by Jannicke Wiese-Hansen.

01. En Kald Død (feat. Skagg)
02. Djevelen I Minnet (feat. Doedsadmiral)
03. Timeglasset (feat. V`gandr)
04. Crawler Of The Crypt (feat. Stud Bronson)
05. Sands Of Time (feat. Thomas S. Øvstedal and Roger Olsen)
06. Sin Egen Ild (feat. Dolgar)
07. Livsdans Og Dødsønske (feat. Stig Ese)
08. Titus Satanicus (feat. Thomas Eriksen)
09. Dødt (feat. Nag)

10. Satanic Fate (feat. Lars ‘Balfori’ Larsen)

Guest musicians:
Nag (Tsjuder), V`gandr (Helheim, Taake), Doedsadmiral (Nordjevel, Nattverd, Doedsvangr), Stud Bronson (The Batallion, Old Funeral, Bömbers Bergen), Skagg (Deathcult, Gaahlskagg, ex-Taake), Thomas Eriksen (Mork), Stig Ese (Slegest, ex-Vreid), Balfori (Lunaris, System:Obscure), Dolgar (The Deviant, Gehenna), Thomas S. Øvstedal (Cor Scorpii), Roger Olsen(Aventyr, Rabid Hood)+++ Bass: Tony Secthdamon (Odium, Myrkskog, Emperor/live), DezeptiCunt (Nordjevel, Nattverd, ex-Ragnarok), Sir (Trelldom, Nidingr, ex-Gaahls Wyrd, ex-Djerv) +++ Drums: Mutt (Rabid Hood, ex-Trelldom, ex-Taake), Thurzur (Deathcult, Gaahlskagg, ex-Taake), Ralla (Attan, ex-Animal Alpha)+++ Guitars: Atyr (Nattverd), Noralf-Reichborn (Helheim)